Enroll Your

Student Today!

Winter 2021 Session

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your student in Juniper: Music Winter 2021! We believe that all youth deserve access to fine arts education, and we are excited to help your youth experience and grow through music.

All materials needed for students to succeed in the classroom, including instrument(s), will be provided for the student.

To refer your child, please fill out the general information below. An official registration link with class times and location will be sent directly to your email.

Winter 2021 Classes:

Juniper: Choir

Taught by Simon Hill and Persis Lugalia, this class will teach the students the basics of singing as well as group choral music. Students will learn a variety of music that will allow them to explore their own vocal ability as well as the history of choral music. Students will have the opportunity to perform at showcase and potential caroling opportunities.

Juniper: Ukulele Lessons

Learn how to play the ukulele in this fun small group class! Taught by a professional educator, this class will introduce students to the basics of ukulele and equip them to learn songs. Students will have the opportunity to perform at showcase as well as potential caroling opportunities accompanying to the carolers.

Student Eligibility:

  • Between the ages of 11-18 as of the first day of class.

  • In state custody and/or involved in the juvenile justice system in some capacity.